Jenk540i's ratings

Pinsider Jenk540i has rated 12 machines.

This page shows all all these ratings, and forms Jenk540i's personal top 12.

Rating comments

Jenk540i has written 3 rating comments:

10 years ago
In my experience clearly a top 5 machine. Play it often. Can get Lost in the Zone easier than most pins wizard setting. Not the right machine for a first machine unless you have a lot of knowledge or a readily available repair person and lots of repair money. Requires constant tinkering - especially the clock. But still has excellent build quality and one in good shape will give lots of excellent playing time. I think it's easier than Williams IJ - another of my favorites and I really like the ability to stack events. Doubt I will ever part with mine unless someone offers me a ridiculous deal. I like to keep mine "stock", but if one wants to mod a game this is the one to modify. I am very partial to wide body formats and this one is arguably the best.
10 years ago
Rarely found pin. Highly enjoyable - one of the best light shows for a game of that time. Not a deep game and not difficult to master. But love the cheesy 80s theme and the flow of the game. If you can find one it should be very affordable and very dependable.
10 years ago
Absolutely a top 10. One of my favorites. Admittedly I am a wide body fan but this just a great pin. Very challenging - I have owned it longer than my TZ yet I can get Lost in the Zone easier than I can get into the IJ wizard mode.
POA is challenging and fun. Great music themes.

Keep it away from your windows because the cabinet decals really fade. Ball trough is problematic - just purchase upgraded opto boards to eliminate that issue. Always a crowd pleaser because everyone knows the Indiana Jones stories. Don't plan to ever part with mine since I have it in near perfect shape and love to play it.

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