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December 12th, 2011 (12 years ago)
July 18th, 2023
indy5mike last donated to Pinside (2017-09-20)
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December 12th, 2011 (12 years ago)
July 18th, 2023
indy5mike last donated to Pinside (2017-09-20)
Basic Address (What does this mean?)
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12 games listed in indy5mike's collection.
Pinsider jerzyrob wrote about a Marketplace experience 2016-02-03.
“Thanks again mike..Just set it up and works and looks great..All the best to you in the future..”
indy5mike responded on 2016-02-18 09:29:42
“Thanks for making the trip and believing it was as nice as I said. Got flack from some not believing my low plays and description of perfect. Glad you were safe on the trip to and from Jersey. Enjoy the WOF!”