
Pinside+ Addict


November 8th, 2008 (15 years ago)

October 11th, 2024

doghouse is a Pinside+ Addict - Yearly Pinsider and makes a yearly donation to Pinside!

Account verification: Basic Address (What does this mean?)

Seller Level

doghouse has the Pinside Bronze seller level!

Background story

My name is Doghouse, and I am a pinaholic.

“My name is Doghouse, and I am a pinaholic. I started young-- much too young to understand what I was getting into. My Florida childhood was interrupted by this thing we so innocently call PINBALL. At first I'd mow lawns and take my buck and play   ... continued here”


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doghouse's photos

Gameroom and profile pics

doghouse has not uploaded gameroom pics yet.

doghouse's top 10

favorite games

Black Sheep Squadron
1. Black Sheep Squadron

Astro Games, 1979

Teacher's Pet
2. Teacher's Pet

Williams, 1965

3. Andromeda

Game Plan, 1985

4. Paragon

Bally, 1979

5. Gusher

Williams, 1958

Future Spa
6. Future Spa

Bally, 1979

Time Fantasy
7. Time Fantasy

Williams, 1983

8. Defender

Williams, 1982

Centaur II
9. Centaur II

Bally, 1983

10. Algar

Williams, 1980


doghouse's collection, wishlist and history

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