October 21st, 2016 (7 years ago)
May 1st, 2023
DJNOEL30 last donated to Pinside (2021-08-09)
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Account verification:39899
October 21st, 2016 (7 years ago)
May 1st, 2023
DJNOEL30 last donated to Pinside (2021-08-09)
Basic Address (What does this mean?)
Account verification:This user has not yet written a background story.
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8 Pinsiders have left feedback about DJNOEL30.
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Pinsider Wopmike2001 wrote a recommendation 2022-01-10.
“Leigh was great to deal with. Machines are excellent just as he stated. Great member of pinside will deal with anytime.”
DJNOEL30 responded on 2022-01-10 03:21:00
“Mike was very easy to deal with, I have met a lot of people in this hobby and Mike is one of the great ones!”