Blu's ratings

Pinsider Blu has rated 40 machines.

This page shows all all these ratings, and forms Blu's personal top 40.

Rating comments

Blu has written 8 rating comments:

7 years ago
Finally found one of these at a local arcade. The artwork on the play field and cab are leaps and bounds better than the original. With that said the trans light looked cheap by so comparison. Shots felt very smooth, and while I thought I would miss the old green goblin, the shot on this one was nicely integrated into shaker and I didn't miss the old toy at all. All in all I'd say this is the best version of Spider-Man.
8 years ago
I played this on location after watching quite a few videos of it, and the videos don't do the game much justice. The game played super fast, and the slingshots play unlike anything I've played before.

Really left this table only to come back for more. Definitely a challenge. Really great game with only a few negatives ( ball seemed to get stuck behind the ghost quite often, animations lacking, and scoop shot straight down the middle pretty often, which most of the time was mitigated by a 1 second ball save)
8 years ago
Played about 10 games on location. Other than the flashers being seizure inducing, I had a ball with it. The battering ram is a drain monster unless you backhand it, the ramps have a very smooth return, but after being on location for only 2 days the auto plunge couldn't even make it to the pops. Also the advanced selection takes way more than 3 seconds to kick in, however if it was a home game it would be easy enough to turn off.
9 years ago
What an interesting game. Had no idea where the ball was going to come from next.
9 years ago
Played this at my first tournament. It blew alway everything at the tournament. What a fun game, great shots! On the hunt for my own now. If you ever get a chance to play, check it out.
9 years ago
From the plunger SDTM way too often. If this is remedied somehow I'll update my rating. Shame really, other than that the game has a lot going for it.

Went and played 30 games on my day off after they updated it and releveled it. Really wanted to like it but the way you start the modes is just painful. After you start the modes it's actually quite intriguing. Desperately in need of a single shot to get the ball rolling. Huge disappointment without it.
9 years ago
While a good beginner game, the game is repetitive, and the shots are just too easy to make.
9 years ago
Stopped by a bar to have lunch with a friend and the had The Walking Dead, No Fear, and World Cup Soccer. I spent the next 5 hours playing pinball. Started with TWD, since that is new and the toys pulled me. $5 later a had way too many SDTM with it never touching my flippers. Next up was NF ( in its defense, my parent's own it, and I've played close to 500 games of it), and after explaining the scoring to my friend I posted the high score. We spent the next 4 hours and $30 playing WCS.

What can I say it was a blast. The soccer ball puts a great spin on the pinball, scoring goals is infectious, and even after 40 or so games, I wasn't able to make it to the World Cup, but man did I have a ball trying ( that damn tv shot)

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