I have been playing pinball since i was 3 years old( we moved to Sweden in 1992 from Russia and that is when it all started! When i first saw a pinball machine ( williams Funhouse i was positively surprised at how fun it was... My best memory is playing Medieval madness when it came out in 1997) I was astounded by how the castle was blown up on that game... the newest pin i have played ( NANANANANANANA Pinball has a similar bash toy ( the batphone, which i love)!!!
Playing pinball in competitions makes you realize how different games can be really unbalanced... I LUVED Theatre Of Magic until i understood what people went for on that game in competitions ( multiball+ bonus multiplier)
Another game which can be really unbalanced in tournaments is Demoliton man ( for some reason the claw is never disabled on it in tournaments in Sweden, making it easy to just go for Lock freeze on it!