Alaskanzen's ratings

Pinsider Alaskanzen has rated 6 machines.

This page shows all all these ratings, and forms Alaskanzen's personal top 6.

Rating comments

Alaskanzen has written 4 rating comments:

1 year ago
Can a top ten game be underrated? I believe so. The games geometry exceeds most current designs, deceptively. Combined with an insanely nuanced rule set, this may be the masterpiece of a sadly shortened but brilliant career of a legendary designer. Outside of the cabinet art, which while theme responsive is somewhat uncreative, the game for me hits every note. Also, as a love letter to prior Elvira themed titles, there are inclusive elements which make this game a bridge to the past, while firmly planting it into the future via the ruleset. I mentioned the geometry: while this game shoots clean, and some argue easy, this is deceptive. The reality is while the design is approachable, the pin falls into the 'easy to learn, difficult to master' and to boot is one of the fastest Sterns to date. All told, owning this machine over the last six months I went from 'really good' to 'top three I own'. It will not be leaving, even as I progress towards the wizard modes, as the replay value and 'one more game' aspect remains present.
3 years ago
An amazing, integrated, funny, and legit pin.
4 years ago
This game is the game that got me hooked on pinball. It’s amazing. It nailed every element. The original 2007 is the only version I would say this applies to. All time great, I think the only reason it’s not too ten is the flood of rehash games skewing the top 100. This is likely the greatest Pin of the 200-2010 era, and yes that includes lotr.
9 years ago
I love pinball, and I love difficult pinball. While this game is not difficult, I think, when properly set etc., its gotten a bum rap! In fact this game is fairly difficult and well designed. Despite the 'Jar Jar' element I think the theme actually works, and my only negative is the somewhat repetitive center shot (however, as center shots go, it demands a greater level of skill not to center drain every 1 out of 3 shots). This game gets a bum rap, I think it should be at least top 100. The designers did a great job! I would say as far as replay goes it holds up somewhere in the middle of the pack. It is too bad it didn't get more love at the time, and now. I think if you ignore the SWE1 theme elements that are really bad (Jar Jar, the kid, and the princess) this game actually is pretty great (and I'm not convinced those elements totally overwhelm the good). Try it, but as always, try an example that works as it should, because I think condition really does matter with the playability of the pinball 2k line.

(I say this, but apparently my end score is consistent with all of yours. I do however think over time, as the pain of the movies fade, people will look past the brand and realize what an amazing feat of pinball engineering this machine was. Truly underrated for the design and engineering of this machine, imho).

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