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What has A1k71 been up to lately?
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Edited a collection item Spider-Man
Added a game to the collection Spider-Man
Edited a collection item Deadpool (Pro)
Added a game to the collection Deadpool (Pro)
Made post #581 in topic Everybody Underground Now! ~ Twister Club
Edited a collection item Godzilla (Pro)
Added a game to the collection Godzilla (Pro)
Removed a game from their collection Ghostbusters (Pro)
Removed a game from their collection The Walking Dead (Pro)
Started a forum topic For sale: Independence Day
Started a forum topic For sale: The Walking Dead (Pro)
Removed a game from their collection Monopoly
Thumbed up post #563 by xfassa in topic Everybody Underground Now! ~ Twister Club
Removed a game from their collection The Walking Dead (Pro)
Added a game to the collection The Walking Dead (Pro)
Removed a game from their collection Johnny Mnemonic
Started a forum topic For sale: Monopoly
Started a forum topic For sale: Johnny Mnemonic
Unlocked Pinside achievement Old Timer 1 (Be active on Pinside for over 3 years)
Thumbed up post #520 by Flash71 in topic Everybody Underground Now! ~ Twister Club
Edited a collection item Independence Day
Added a game to the collection Independence Day
Removed a game from their collection Playboy
Unlocked Pinside achievement The Shopper 1 (Complete up to 5 orders at any Pinside shop)
Removed a game from their collection Harley Davidson
Removed a game from their collection Johnny Mnemonic
Added a game to the collection Johnny Mnemonic
Started a forum topic For sale: Harley Davidson
Started a forum topic For sale: Playboy
Made post #2689 in topic BOP Club...non 2.0
Started a forum topic For sale: Playboy
Now following Pinsider Freeplay40
Added a game to the collection Playboy
Removed a game from their collection Harley Davidson
Added a game to the collection Harley Davidson
Removed a game from their collection Stargate
Removed a game from their collection Strikes and Spares
Added a game to the collection Strikes and Spares
Removed a game from their collection Judge Dredd
Removed a game from their collection Ghostbusters (Pro)
Added a game to the collection Ghostbusters (Pro)
Started a forum topic Theatre of Magic - Trunk Opto Board
Thumbed up post #1401 by LTG in topic Williams Org Medieval Madness Owners Club *-* The door is open ... c'mon in !!
Removed a game from their collection Mata Hari
Added a game to the collection Mata Hari
Edited a collection item Medieval Madness
Added a game to the collection Medieval Madness
Removed a game from their collection Pirates of the Caribbean
Removed a game from their collection Taxi
Started a forum topic For sale: Mata Hari
Started a forum topic For sale: Pirates of the Caribbean
Started a forum topic For sale: Judge Dredd
Added a game to the wishlist Jurassic Park
Removed a game from their collection FunHouse
Added a game to the collection FunHouse
Edited a collection item Twilight Zone
Edited a collection item Theatre of Magic
Added a game to the collection Theatre of Magic
Made post #4226 in topic Theatre of Magic Club
Thumbed up 2 forum posts in topic CLB Bram Stokers Dracula Club....Welcome to the Carpathians
Thumbed up post #10694 by aobrien5
Thumbed up post #10693 by Spitfiren8
Made 2 forum posts in topic CLB “Bram Stokers Dracula Club....Welcome to the Carpathians”
Made post #72 in topic Bally Cybernaut Club
Removed a game from their collection Demolition Man
Removed a game from their collection Stargate
Thumbed up post #8115 by ThatOneDude in topic Bram Stokers Dracula Club....Welcome to the Carpathians
Made post #4189 in topic SCARED STIFF Club...Members Only
Removed a game from their collection Pirates of the Caribbean
Edited a collection item Scared Stiff
Added a game to the collection Scared Stiff
Provided feedback about Pinsider cartert
Responded to feedback from Pinsider JBaldwin1985
Removed a game from their collection Star Trek: The Next Generation
Started a forum topic For sale: Demolition Man
Started a forum topic For sale: Judge Dredd
Started a forum topic For sale: Judge Dredd
Started a forum topic For sale: Demolition Man
Thumbed up post #468 by AzureOz in topic New Allied Leisure MPU
Made post #70 in topic Bally Cybernaut Club
Started a forum topic Stern DMD
Removed a game from their collection Flight 2000
Made post #3661 in topic PotC owners club: "Dead men tell no tales..."
Thumbed up post #3658 by C0untDeM0net in topic PotC owners club: "Dead men tell no tales..."
Made post #69 in topic Bally Cybernaut Club
Made post #3646 in topic PotC owners club: "Dead men tell no tales..."
Thumbed up post #3645 by MrMikeman in topic PotC owners club: "Dead men tell no tales..."
Made post #3644 in topic PotC owners club: "Dead men tell no tales..."
Made post #1975 in topic Rebuilding sound for DataEast & WPC using a pi
Thumbed up post #3629 by sbskins in topic PotC owners club: "Dead men tell no tales..."
Thumbed up 3 forum posts in topic CLB PotC owners club: "Dead men tell no tales..."
Thumbed up post #3628 by Soulrider911
Thumbed up post #3626 by Soulrider911
Thumbed up post #3621 by Soulrider911
Thumbed up post #2858 by Da-Shaker in topic Demolition Man Owners Club.... Members Only!
Unlocked Pinside achievement Sale Pending (Mark an ad as 'sale pending')
Removed a game from their collection Lost World
Removed a game from their collection Pirates of the Caribbean
Added a game to the collection Pirates of the Caribbean
Thumbed up post #3605 by Soulrider911 in topic PotC owners club: "Dead men tell no tales..."
Thumbed up 2 forum posts in topic CLB PotC owners club: "Dead men tell no tales..."
Thumbed up post #3586 by Ricbec
Thumbed up post #3581 by Soulrider911
Made post #3580 in topic PotC owners club: "Dead men tell no tales..."
Thumbed up post #122 by mumble5 in topic Any POTC custom codes
Removed a game from their collection Lost World
Removed a game from their collection Flight 2000
Added a game to the collection Flight 2000
Added a game to the collection Lost World
Made post #121 in topic Any POTC custom codes
Started a forum topic For sale: Flight 2000
Started a forum topic For sale: Lost World
Thumbed up post #2181 by clodpole in topic Flight 2000 Club - members and fans welcome!
Made post #2179 in topic Flight 2000 Club - members and fans welcome!
Thumbed up post #428 by AzureOz in topic New Allied Leisure MPU
Thumbed up post #9149 by transprtr4u in topic St:tng owners welcome aboard the uss enterprise
Made post #9148 in topic St:tng owners welcome aboard the uss enterprise
Made post #14008 in topic Twilight Zone Owner's club
Removed a game from their collection Lost World
Added a game to the collection Independence Day
Started a forum topic Stern 80' coin door frame\molding
Made post #2177 in topic Flight 2000 Club - members and fans welcome!
Thumbed up post #13860 by Runswithscissors in topic Twilight Zone Owner's club
Removed a game from their collection Lost World
Added a game to the collection Lost World
Started a forum topic WPC 16-Opto board A-16998 (or A-17223)
Thumbed up post #418 by AzureOz in topic New Allied Leisure MPU
Thumbed up post #2173 by Lovef2k in topic Flight 2000 Club - members and fans welcome!
Made post #2172 in topic Flight 2000 Club - members and fans welcome!
Made post #413 in topic New Allied Leisure MPU
Thumbed up post #2171 by KSUWildcatFan in topic Flight 2000 Club - members and fans welcome!
Made post #2170 in topic Flight 2000 Club - members and fans welcome!
Made post #8967 in topic St:tng owners welcome aboard the uss enterprise
Thumbed up post #8966 by Robotworkshop in topic St:tng owners welcome aboard the uss enterprise
Made post #8965 in topic St:tng owners welcome aboard the uss enterprise
Thumbed up post #8964 by Eric_Manuel in topic St:tng owners welcome aboard the uss enterprise
Thumbed up post #8932 by radium in topic St:tng owners welcome aboard the uss enterprise
Made post #8934 in topic St:tng owners welcome aboard the uss enterprise
Made post #8931 in topic St:tng owners welcome aboard the uss enterprise
Made 2 forum posts in topic CLB “St:tng owners welcome aboard the uss enterprise”
Removed a game from their collection Demolition Man
Thumbed up 2 forum posts in topic CLB Twilight Zone Owner's club
Thumbed up post #13761 by awesome1
Thumbed up post #13764 by Coyote
Thumbed up post #8888 by Luke_Nukem in topic St:tng owners welcome aboard the uss enterprise