1956PINHEAD's ratings

Pinsider 1956PINHEAD has rated 14 machines.

This page shows all all these ratings, and forms 1956PINHEAD's personal top 14.

Rating comments

1956PINHEAD has written 13 rating comments:

1 year ago
You can't go wrong purchasing this game, worth every penny even in todays higher price environment. Playfield layout is great, one of the best IMO, fast and smooth shooting game with lots of different shot combinations. Upper playfield is fun and really adds to this games enjoyment. It's a good game now, and will get even better with code updates.
2 years ago
This rating is for the Premium version which is the version I own. I waited to rate this game until I had enough game play to give it what I consider to be a well balanced rating now having 350 plays on it. Really liking the game and was lucky enough to have received one from the first production run. Game has played perfect out of the box with no issues and has now settled in nicely in terms of break in. Shots are plentiful and rewarding on this game, some shots very challenging, others easy, which in my opinion makes for a well balanced game. Code is getting better and will continue to get better as it progresses. There's a reason why this game is rated where it's at, it just plays great, and best of all it's FUN!

I really didn't buy the game because of it's theme, I wanted it because I own two other Elwin games and like how they play. After now playing it as much as I have I'm liking the theme and its well done, I've even watched a few of the old Toho classics as a result and the theme is really growing on me.

Adding this game to my collection was a good decision, the price was a bit hard to sallow at first due to pricing increases, but it was worth it. Really like the new Insider Connect features and can see myself upgrading my other games with the kit when available. This game has it all IMO and will only get better.
3 years ago
Waited to post my review until I got past the honeymoon phase. That said this is a great game, challenging, fun, rewarding, and great looking. Probably not the best game for someone new to pinball, but for those that are skillful this game has a great layout with lots of shots and options for how the game is approached and played.

Not going to drag this out because basically the game has essentially everything going for it. It can be frustrating at times, but when you get your game on this game brings it with lots of modes and options that just make it fun fun fun. For me its going to be a long time keeper, can't really see it ever leaving my collection.
3 years ago
I've played this game enough now that I feel comfortable rating it. Great game, challenging and rewarding. Great coding, great theme, lots of ways to play it, a good all around game. Art work and sounds with clips from the TV shows are all well integrated. I'm lucky to have a good variety of games to play in my collection, this is one I keep coming back to play again and again. Its not leaving, ever, its that good.
4 years ago
Excellent feel and game play. Requires skillfully executed shots to bring the best of the game out, otherwise it will be difficult to advance through some levels of the game. By far one of the best layouts in recent times. Game play is fun due to the many modes you can bring into the game while advancing through the basic theme of moving through the map and paddocks. I held off rating the game until I had at least 100 games played on it.

Overall don't let the lack of movie clips or actor call outs sway you away from this game as the play makes up for any of that, its that good it stands on its own. The T-Rex sounds and other sound integration works real well, hook up a powered sub woofer and wow!

This game is certain to break into the top 5 at some point, I think its that good!
5 years ago
Just bought this game to add to my home collection. Played about 30 games through it now and loaded most recent game code (V0.91.0). This is a fun game, it may challenge some or be way to easy for others, but that aside I like the game and glad that I bought it. Overall I think the Stern team did a good job on this game, sound and quotes are good, video snippets are good, as is the overall look of the game. It fits well into my collection as a game that is in the middle in terms of challenging game play. I think its a winner because it does fall in the middle of being challenging, and if you want to bring more people into this hobby what better way to do that but make a game that is still easy enough for newcomers to enjoy playing. I want to see pinball keep growing has a hobby and sport, and think this game will help that cause. I like the game simple as that.
5 years ago
Had this game in my collection about 10 years ago and sold it to a friend. Given its age it had good play, theme, lighting, and sound, also had good voice call outs during the game play. Kind of wish I still had this game, might end up getting it back because its just a cool fun game that can be enjoyed by all. Again, given when it was made, I think it holds up well in current day variety of fun games to play.
5 years ago
My sister has this game in her collection and when I visit her a few times a year I play about a dozen games on it. Lots of fun shots and game play. Her machine has updated LED lighting which makes a huge difference in look and play. A real fun game and one worthy of a home collection.
5 years ago
This game has been in my collection for almost a year now. Bought it NIB and played it a lot the first 6 months, then got mad at it. Wide flipper gap will frustrate a player with a low tolerance for drains, lots and lots of them. However, if you stick with it and grind through it to learn how to shoot and control the ball, the game will become fun again. My scores are inching upward, and my game play is improving as a result of playing this game. Not a beginners game for certain, but play it enough and it really grows on you.
5 years ago
I bought this game new in the box in 2005. I played it a lot the first couple years, then fadded away. I started playing it again about 16 months ago and have a whole new appriciation for the game. I really enjoy this games play, theme, sounds, lighting, and quotes. I did update the playfield lighting to LED's which really helped the game to Pop in terms of lighting affects. Lots of fun shots and long game play possible with some lucky ball bounces, overall a keeper for many years to come.
5 years ago
This game has become the favorite in my 4 game collection. Based upon my current skill level I can now get decent game play on average of around 15 min per game. My overall skills are improving based on this games layout and play, not as challenging to shoot the special shots, but enough so that it is still challenging. Sound and quotes are great as is the lighting. Based on my rating one can see I really like this game and can see it remaining in my collection a very very long time.
6 years ago
Having this game in my collection for about a year now I have started to play it more and am finally getting in sync with how it plays. I keep coming back for more as I know this game will make me a better player because how fast it can play and some shots are very difficult and that is also a good thing. Like most modern day games ball control is key, as are making shots, so this game will stay put in my collection for some time as it really challenges me. Playing this game has improved my overall game play on this machine and others, so for me that is a positive outcome to what has been at times a frustrating game playing experience.
6 years ago
Had the opportunity to play 5 games on this machine at Orange County Pinball three weeks ago and really enjoyed it. The cabinet seemed to be built OK but the finish work on the exposed edges of the wood wasn't that good, might be because they were trying to get the game out ASAP. I don't see that as a bad thing really as all the other aspects of the cabinet and art work were nice.

The game play was very fun, lots of fun makeable shots, with good sound and quotables that accompanied the game play. Each game I played I was able to progress onto higher levels/challenges, but honestly did not play it enough to rate its depth of play, but I will say it was a lot of fun.

Would I add this game to my personal collection if and when it becomes available again, yes I would. Although I think I would wait until some feedback was available from those who had played the game long enough to validate functionality, code, workmanship and overall quality. Would I buy one of the original games (from DP) if one were available, yes I would, it was that fun.

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